
Manufacturer: Fujitsu
SKU: MUFUFI-65F 5965
Manufacturer part number: PA03595-B001
Vendor: Mustek
Vendor Material Number: FI-65F
PackSize: 1
Unit of Measure: each
Barcode: FI-65F
VAT Applicable: Yes
ShelfLife: No
DeliveryTime: 6-8 weeks
product is znps
In Stock
Specification: * The Fi-65F scans documents in a mere second (A6 portrait 200/300 dpi), and guarantees short wait times with quick startup times of half a second * Fhe Fi-65F is the smallest scanner in it sclass to scan identification and small cards of all types and sizes - such as driver's licenses, pasports, ect * Scan and save images with just one touch of the button * Converless scanning capabilities also allow scanning without repetitive opening and closeing of the cover before, after, between each scan * Not only does the Fi-65F comply with Energy Star and RoHS, but its eniter manucaturing process complies with strict environment regulations * Bypass the inconvenience of making fine adjustments to OCR settings with the Paperstream IP scanner driver
Hazardous Classification: No
A6 Simplex Flatbed Usb2.0 Led Passport/Id Scanner Ricoh